Instead, we know we are loved and accepted by God in Christ, and we seek to build His kingdom, not ours. No longer do we seek fulfilment in the approval of others.

Then, we’ll have rest and peace as we follow our loving Shepherd. When we remember that our burdens can be carried by Jesus and we give Him the place of authority in our lives, we can break away from the rat race. The end result is like a pack of rats in a maze chasing whatever dream will make them feel good, instead of putting Jesus at the center and walking under His yoke which is light.

They live out an erroneous belief that the more they do, the more they feel they’ll be looked up to by others, therefore they feel better about themselves, but the truth is, others around them are so busy building their own little kingdoms that they do not even notice. This is why people can start carrying too great of a burden when they pursue self-worth in ministry. How many times can the church get distracted by the symbols and trappings of power and authority instead of focussing on Him? Gifts, ministry, miracles, signs, and wonders can be sought so much that God is left behind. That’s because Aleph in pictograph form is a Bull. When the Israelites decided to make a golden calf and worship it, they turned away from the One true God and worshiped the symbol instead of His name. El was commonly used in the Middle East for a god’s name, but El is different because it’s formed by the 2 letters Aleph and Lamed. Before the letter was called Aleph, it was actually called El or Al, so it was literally the name God. The Hebrew letter Aleph was used to symbolize one of the names of God, and in this case, it was El. Jesus is more than the Good Shepherd He is, in fact, the Shepherd King.