Nami's two favorite things are money and tangerines. These are the only situations where Nami doesn't get the final word.

Acting as the "mother" of the crew, Nami doesn't understand or approve of the boys' often macho attitudes and principles. She is very manipulative as well and can even turn an entire conversation in her favor when necessary, often putting on disguises and tricking the enemy. Robin is actually the only person Nami doesn't try to boss, and she referred to her as the only person who understands her, though in a comical fashion. She often comically beats or hits her other crewmates for their nonsense, which occurs quite often. She is almost always the one who gives orders on the ship (much to the Zoro's resentment) because of Luffy's usual lack of common sense. Despite the fact that Nami has deceived the crew, Luffy still trusts her enough to allow her to safe-keep his precious straw hat. She respects Luffy's qualities as a leader, but often gets angry of his irrational thinking and short attention span, even so she trusts him with her life. The new tattoo represents mikan (a fruit commonly know as tangerine) and pinwheels. Nami has a tattoo on her left shoulder (a homage to her past), where she used to have a shark tattoo for being a member of Arlong's Crew. Possibly one of the best (or even the best) navigators currently sailing the Grand Line, she has the ability to recognize and analyze even the slightest changes in the weather through sheer intuition, thus saving the ship and the crew from the very unstable Grand Line weather on multiple occasions. She is the first member of the Straw Hat Pirates to appear (in the anime), but the third to align herself with the crew, and the fifth to actually join.